RAM | Random Access Memory

RAM (Random Access Memory)

One of the important abilities of a computer is its ability to remember. Computer has internal (RAM or primary) storage as well as external (secondary) storage.

Memory unit that communicates directly with CPU is called main memory as shown below:


RAM is also known as primary memory or main memory. Whatever we see on the screen is stored in main memory (RAM). Also note that programs and data currently needed by the CPU will reside in main memory.

Primary memory can hold information only while computer system in ON. When computer is OFF, primary memory is erased.  This feature of memory is called volatile. Note that primary memory has limited capacity, because it is expensive.


Units of Main Memory

Note that memories are organized into 8-bit multiples called bytes. Computer memory is usually expressed as multiples of bytes. Typical units of computer memory are as follows:

Bit  =   Binary digit (1 or 0)
Byte =   Group of 8 bits
1KB  =   Kilo byte             =  210 Bytes
1MB  =   Mega byte             =  220 Bytes
1GB  =   Giga byte             =  230 Bytes
1TB  =   Tera byte             =  240 Bytes

Note: Bit is the smallest unit of data that can be stored in memory.


Gopal Krishna

Hey Engineers, welcome to the award-winning blog,Engineers Tutor. I'm Gopal Krishna. a professional engineer & blogger from Andhra Pradesh, India. Notes and Video Materials for Engineering in Electronics, Communications and Computer Science subjects are added. "A blog to support Electronics, Electrical communication and computer students".

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