Multi level Digital Modulation

Multi-level digital modulation schemes are used to increase bit rate in data communications. Ordinary modulation techniques such as ASK, FSK and PSK are 2-level modulation schemes. They can transmit only 1- bit/sec.

To increase the bit rate (or data rate), we should be able to transmit more than 1-bit per second. This can be achieved by using multi-level modulation techniques. BAUD RATE is an important term related to multi-level modulation.

Baud rate: is defined as number of symbols per sec. Example of one symbol of carrier waveform is shown below:

Generally in 2-level modulations, only 1-bit can be transmitted in one cycle or symbol. In multi-level modulation, we can transmit more than one bit per symbol.

2 level modulation ----- 2 = 21 ----- 1 bit per symbol is transmitted
4 level modulation ----- 4 = 22 ----- 2 bits per symbol is transmitted
8 level modulation ----- 8 = 23 ----- 3 bits per symbol is transmitted etc.

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Multi level Digital Modulation

Gopal Krishna

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