MS word keyboard shortcuts

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is the word processing application piece of the Microsoft Suite. Word is one of the most popular word processing applications and is commonly used in offices, schools and homes. We can create business documents, important personal documents, letters, applications and reports in it. Microsoft Word allows users to type, format and edit text to create documents that can be printed or viewed electronically. Microsoft Word is an affordable word processing application.

MS-WORD Keyboard shortcuts
Keyboard shortcut Purpose
CTRL+V Paste
CTRL+U Underline
CTRL+I Italic
CTRL+O Open document
Select the text to increase or decrease font size. For below 2 commands
Ctrl + Shift + > Increase font size
Ctrl + Shift + < Decrease font size
CTRL + up arrow key

One paragraph up

CTRL + down arrow key Paragraph down
HOME Starting of one line
CTRL + End End of the document
CTRL + Home Starting of the document
Useful special characters for scientific terms MS WORD

ms word scientific symbols

Use of Function keys

Gopal Krishna

Hey Engineers, welcome to the award-winning blog,Engineers Tutor. I'm Gopal Krishna. a professional engineer & blogger from Andhra Pradesh, India. Notes and Video Materials for Engineering in Electronics, Communications and Computer Science subjects are added. "A blog to support Electronics, Electrical communication and computer students".

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